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The manganese content is critical to the wear life of your crusher parts and the cost efficiency of your operation.
Manganese content can range between 9% - 24% and is usually referenced as;
14% = 13-14% MN
18% = 17% - 19% MN
21% = 21% - 24% MN
Castings with any of these manganese percentages could be the right ones for your application. It just depends on what you're crushing.
While you could use a higher percentage of manganese for your crushers jaw plates, 14% manganese can work fine for hard non-abrasive
materials especially with Wear and Spare Parts heavy duty Jaws. Remember manganese must "work-harden" for optimum performance,
which should be matched with material hardness.
The hardness & abrasiveness of the rock to be crushed should determine the manganese content for your operation.
Critical factors for jaw crusher wear parts are how long they last and how efficiently they crush the material. Jaw weight,
tooth profile and proper fit are all important considerations for efficient crushing.
Efficiency requires proper tooth profile and this can be determined for each crushing application with the help of our